Patberg Inc – Hiring & Selection Training
Well, to over simplify the explanation, our program teaches you the most important aspect of hiring: to hire for fit. Hiring for Fit means to focus the hiring on the candidates innate characteristics rather than primarily focusing on their knowledge and experience. Innate characteristics are personality traits such as thinking, beliefs, attitude and motivation, which when identified correctly are the key to hiring long-term, successful employees. It is important to realize that these innate characteristics are not likely to change, so it is important to get this right the first time.
We will also teach to you identify skills and experience. We will spend more time understanding who they are so they “”fit”” the position and company.
Our program utilizes technology and concepts that have been used for over 20 years in the staffing and executive search business. Over 5,000 managers have been polled to discover the key to successful hiring. Hiring For Fit is the #1 reason for making a successful hire.
- Figure out what you really need AND WHY!
- Organize thoughts in a visual manner
- Make you look like a star
- Stop hiring mistakes
- Spend less time hiring
- How about a perfect retention rate
- Raise Your Personal Stock
- Have higher company rankings