Patberg Inc – Our Experience
Patberg Incorporated, an executive search firm, has nearly 25 years of experience under our ranks. Our work has primarily been with Fortune 500 companies and healthcare delivery organizations solving a variety of staffing issues, including retained search, contingency search, on-site staffing, process consulting and candidate selection consulting.
During the last 20 years, we have polled over 5,000 hiring managers about our hiring philosophy, and we determined that each of these hiring leaders and managers agreed with our philosophy. In almost every case, each executive had their own theory, which was sound but incomplete. Once we divulged our philosophy with these research managers, every person agreed with our observations. Yes, most resisted at first and needed further explanation, but then, the light came on and they agreed that we had uncovered the real reasons for hiring, the core motivation for hiring.
What we have uncovered through these many years is ‘the key’ to successful hiring. Yes, ‘the key’ to successful hiring is ‘Hiring For Fit’. It seems that the key is far simpler than anyone realized. Understanding the key is the simple part; implementing the key is where we come in.
As result of our research and experience, we have embarked on a journey to share this knowledge. At our core, we excel at Executive Search and have now begun to branch out our services into Selection Consulting and Training. We are excited to share our experience.
Though not a large consulting firm, we have the background and capabilities of those in the larger search and consulting operations. Because we are smaller, instead of worried about our comissions or billings, we can be nimble and focus on the important things: doing the right things AND doing them right.
Gregg Patberg, President
Our company’s President is Gregg Patberg. He started his staffing career in 1984 founding Kirkbride Associates, a contingency search firm in Seattle/Bellevue, WA. After selling this business, he went on to create First Resource Group, Inc in Denver, CO. This enterprise evolved into the current companies, Patberg, Incorporated. The offices have moved to Evansville, IN to ensure a higher quality of life for all those involved–his family.
Mr. Patberg has worked with companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AT&T, and others. He has completed projects that range from retained search to consulting companies on their staffing processes.
Throughout his tenure in the external staffing business, he has fostered a belief that a great hire is a win-win situation for both the company and future employee. The only way that this win-win can be acheived is when the needs — financial, professional, personal, emotional — of everyone involved have been met. This belief has evolved into a process which is now called “Hiring For Fit.”